Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thing 13: Thing 13

I really liked this site. I thought it was very useful to read what others had said about my book choices. Yes, there were comments made about the books I had added to my library for this activity. I thought it was also helpful to see if there were any events happening in my zip code. There weren't. I had to expand the search to 100miles. I didn't see any of Marion County Libraries listed on the map, though??? I liked that they called it the "Facebook for book lovers."

Monday, February 23, 2009

Thing 12: Wiki's

I posted a message on PBwiki's at 23things@neflin. We are halfway there! Learned lots. Trying to decide where to fit in all these new technologies in our daily use at school.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thing 11: Social Media

I explored Mixx. Lots to read, that's for sure. I could see it's use in a high school setting with a debate class or one searching for current events and what others are saying. I feel it would definitely need to be guided by an adult so that kids realize these are just someone's opinion. I like the idea of voting and sharing that. Too high for the grades I instruct. Don't know if this is something I would really use .

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thing 10: Delicious

I love this idea of all my favorite bookmarks in one place. That means no matter where I am I won't have to try and remember a site.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thing 9: Sharing Slides, Photos...

This was another easy to manage item on flickr badge. The only thing that is driving me nuts are all the passwords and usernames to remember. I do have them written down but still.. Also I am finding that since I've learned all these new "things" I'm having trouble remember where everything was. I've tried to bookmark all that I believe I will put to use at home. But in our county many of these sites are off limits. So if I'm not able to really put these things to use on a daily basis I will not retain them. I really liked those online image generators the best!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thing 8: Communication Web.2.0 Style

Email at our school is used all day long to communicate. However, there are still those who don't check as often as they should and miss out on a number of opportunities. We even check attendance and have to check our email to confirm during period changes. I don't IM. I either call or leave a message. I have attended a webinar before and loved it. I could take the class right at my desk and use the phone to ask questions. It was a bit difficult to log on at first.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Thing 7: Online Image Generators

Now I know how they send out those funny messages and where they are created. This is really opening up a new world to me. But it does take alot of time.

Thing 6: Flickr Mashup

This was the first "thing" I completed in less than 15 minutes!! Yahoo! It must be getting easier. This was cute. I can't believe how many photos are out there!! Yesterday I spent hours searching.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thing 5: Flickr

Another great tool to use. Great way to show photos and view photos. I've been exploring this site for hours to cover this "thing". I found photos taken by others of my old neighborhood. I couldn't find the blog this photo button. I realized I had to log out and log in again and then it appeared.

Horizon Media Center

Horizon Media Center
Originally uploaded by marie23things
Learned how to use


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.